
prof. dr. Jeremy Lewis

Jeremy Lewis is a Consultant Physiotherapist and Research & Innovation Lead for the Musculoskeletal Service at Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust in London, UK. He has been acknowledged as one of the 5 most eminent clinicians in his profession (The UK Department of Health National AHP Clinical Expert Database).

He assesses and treats patients with shoulder problems and performs ultrasound guided injections, if appropriate and required, as part of the treatment process.


His main areas of clinical expertise are subacromial pain (impingement) syndrome, rotator cuff tendon problems, shoulder pain syndromes and frozen shoulder.

Jeremy has developed a unique system of shoulder assessment and treatment that has gained international acclaim.


Jeremy has been invited to teach and lecture extensively on his shoulder assessment and treatment procedures all over the globe.

Wat andere cursisten zeggen over zijn cursus

“Fantastische cursus als voorbeeld van hoe de schouder te behandelen binnen het biopsychosociale model. Een zeer bekwame en relevante benadering met betrekking tot waar fysiotherapie momenteel is”.

“Brilliant presentation, extremely useful material and very appropriate for current practice”

Fysiolinks cursussen door prof. dr. Jeremy Lewis

Tweedaagse Engelse cursus (KRF 18pt) over de complexe relaties tussen biomechanica van de schouders en het lichaam, pijnwetenschap en psychosociale factoren.
Hotel Almere van der Valk
€619 / 2 opeenvolgende lesdagen
(incl. digitale leeromgeving, hand-outs en lunch)
Tweedaagse Engelse cursus (KRF 18pt) over de complexe relaties tussen biomechanica van de schouders en het lichaam, pijnwetenschap en psychosociale factoren.
Hotel Almere van der Valk
€649 / 2 opeenvolgende lesdagen
(incl. digitale leeromgeving, hand-outs en lunch)

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