
Pt PhD Val Jones

About Val Jones

Val Jones is a Clinical Physiotherapy Specialist working at the Sheffield Shoulder and Elbow Unit at the Sheffield Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust and also works in private practice.

International lectures

Val lectures nationally and internationally about the assessment and rehabilitation of the elbow joint.

Publications and presentations

Val has published in peer reviewed journals and is a previous AHP representative on the British Elbow and Shoulder Society Council, as well as being the current UK national delegate for EUSSER. She has organised and presented upon the highly successful Sheffield Elbow course for Physiotherapists and has recently been awarded a prestigious Copeland Fellowship from the British Elbow and Shoulder Society.

Links to publications

Fysiolinks cursussen door Pt PhD Val Jones

Tweedaagse Engelstalig cursus (KRF 16pt) over elleboogklachten, ontrafeld door dé elleboogspecialist uit GB, Val Jones.
Hotel Almere van der Valk
€619 / 2 opeenvolgende lesdagen
(incl. digitale leeromgeving, hand-outs en lunch)
Tweedaagse Engelstalig cursus (KRF 16pt) over elleboogklachten, ontrafeld door dé elleboogspecialist uit GB, Val Jones.
Hotel Almere van der Valk
€649 / 2 opeenvolgende lesdagen
(incl. digitale leeromgeving, hand-outs en lunch)

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